Time For Tea

No Pressure....

   It's been a little crazy around our place the past couple of months getting several deadlines met. It was college application time for dd, robotics, projects, essay contests, and now a partridge in a pear tree.... 
   The card above is one I made for my daughter to send the MIT professor who interviewed her. [No pressure to make something MIT-worthy!] Actually, we have spent a lot of time on campus, and I think this fits the vibe to a "T!" Did you know they still have blackboards there?!? I thought that was just too cool! [I am an old-school teacher though!]
   Since I was on a chalkboard craze I made another thank you to one of the many terrific people who went out of their way to write recommendations for my daughter. I think I'll make a few more of these just to have on hand since I liked the way they came out!
   To get the look quite easily and with little mess/fuss, I used plain old construction paper for the blackboard. I stamped in white pigment ink and let air dry--which it did quickly with the texture of the paper. Next, I broke out my chalks and used fingers, and cotton tipped sticks to rub dust where I wanted it. Easy and fun and it achieved the look I was after!
   Next up is a Christmas greeting I made for a trendy friend of mine:
   This is one of those sets I've been struggling with to achieve something "different" looking with it. I was inspired by all the pages of the Restoration Hardware catalog, and this came together nicely using another tool I bought long ago and have had trouble incorporating into my projects--these die cut banners. Bonus! Breakthrough for other ideas...I love when that happens! Hope you have some stamping fun with this technique, and let me know if you do. 
   I'd love to see how you put your own stamp on this trend!


  1. Hi Deb,
    Love this chalk board effect! Had to visit your blog to see how you did it. Doesn't sound to tough. I have to try it out.
    Thanks for the imspiration.
    Hey, also congrats on an applicant to MIT you must be sooo proud!

  2. Love your idea of handmade cards to teachers/profs, Deb! Beautiful! Good luck on your DD's college (MIT!!)applications!! I bet the handmade cards will make them turn heads toward the applications :)

  3. Deb your cards are wonderful. I actually thought you had used some sort of chalk board for them. Wow Kudos to you, I bet the teachers/professors love getting these.

  4. Incredible look to your cards. WOW


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