of Note!

   Happy New Year to everyone! I thought I'd begin 2013 with a little unfinished business from 2012...namely these "Notables" I made for my friends! For my Italian Swiss friend who loves all things coffee and who collects cappuccino sets...I thought she might enjoy some paper ones! Clear embossed this solid stamp cup design onto colored cardstock and the effect was perfectly porcelain! Tucked this little card set inside the pocket on the green notable [jr. legal pad cover] and wrapped it up! I can report happily that she loved it!
   Next is a pad/card set for my nautical friend who spends her summers sailing and who has sons sailing the seven seas. Another score--the white embossed starfish made quite the splash and she's interested to know how they are made...yup--I'm reeeeeeling her in to the stamping world! [and no, her name is not Sally!]
   More soon on how to make the notable and a template you can use to create your very own! It's a nice way to package a set of cards and we can always use a notepad around the house, the car, the office, the classroom.....
