"If a Little's Good...More's Better!" Grandma Names

   How's Life Friends?

   Sorry I got off track with sharing this other Bloom and Grow card for Mother's Day! This set really is one of my favorites for its versatility across the seasons/occasions. It will make an appearance in Make Do in the future and if you don't already have it, it's on sale with the deeply discounted coordinated dies through May 4th when the new catalog launches.

   The title of my blog post is a saying my Mama D was famous for: "If a little's good, more's better!" She always made a ton of food whenever her family got together. I'm channeling my Mama D because I think I'm going to use this for my Grandma name. My grand was named Dorothy, her husband called her Dot, and as the first grandchild, I named her Mama D. Don't know if she picked it or I did!? Since I'm a Deb and I like being called Mama best [rather than mom--and of course I answer to anything when my kids call!] I think Mama D suits me. 

   I hope my new granddaughter likes it too! Just found out from the ultrasound this week that everything's on track, everyone's healthy and hearty, and it looks like a baby girl will be joining us later this summer! I'm so happy for my daughter who's always wanted 7 children since we read the book Seven Silly Eaters.

   Will you comment with your grandma name? I'd love to see them!

   Be well Friends!



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