Time For Tea

Birthday Beginning

Birthday Beginning by debstamps
Birthday Beginning, a photo by debstamps on Flickr.
*Well...this was easy.  I apparently have the option to share directly from my Flickr account and blog a photo.   I am learning aaaaaaall kinds of new things now that I've started blogging!  
To make the card:  I dug out my ol' stamping wheels, and made this plaid background; embossed my Hero Arts Magical Background stamp on some green cardstock, and colored in the circle design with colored pencil--this month's featured technique over at Hero Arts [click on that typewriter to the right and you can go see for yourself!]
Next I punched some different circles from the panel, and used them to embellish these die cut flowers. also used a little chalk over the embossing in the largest flower.  Grouped them together for effect and I had a nice little birthday bouquet!  
What's your favorite way to personalize die cuts?  I'd love to hear your ideas!


  1. Congrats on your brand new blog, Deb!! You are going to love blogging! Enjoy and have fun! Love the cool hues and colors for this card! I don't have a favorite to use die cuts, but I find myself using them for tags a lot! And that's just one of the many possibilities :)

  2. Looooove this fun and happy card! As for die cuts, I mostly just use shapes like circles and scallops, not much personalization. Guess I'm boring like that! :-)

  3. Great post here. Congrats on this blog - it is really fantastic! I absolutely love these die-cuts and colors. I had to drop over to see your blog from the Die Cut Divas flickr group.

    I guess I personalize die-cuts by using tissue boxes in my die-cuts. Many good wishes coming your way.

  4. Forgot to include this thought - I haven't used a wheel in years. I need to dig them out.

  5. This is wonderfully beautiful! Such soft colors, and a great design!


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