Time For Tea

Flower Power

   I absolutely love Pinterest!  Check it out if you haven't yet, and I'll apologize now for pointing the way to more 'wasted' wonderful time spent on the internet!  It's like having a giant stash of push pins to save the eye candy you find when you're surfing!  I am usually a catalog page tearer and notebook keeper, but I have to say I like this method for storing idea prompts!  I always laugh out loud, sigh in wonderment/appreciation, and shout, "Wicked!" at least once, no matter how long a Pinterest break I happen to take!
   This cake is a pin from my Design board.   Since I saw this photo I've been wanting to white emboss some flowers And there's a flower theme for this month's challenge over on the Hero Arts blog.  Voila!  A card is born!


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