Time For Tea

Sending Love!

Happy Friday!  Just a quick post with an idea.  I love to collect quotes, and enjoy finding stamps with sayings.  I wanted to send some love to a friend, and just stamped this sentiment and matched some other images to embellish the words!  Will you share one of your favorite quotes?  I'd love to add it to my collection!
   In the meantime, wish us luck...we're closing on our new home up in New Hampshire, and we'll have our work cut out for us!  New flooring, painting, and moving a kitchen wall.  Plus, catching up on some maintenance inside and out!  Good thing my husband is handy, and my kids are strong.  [I'm reminded of Garrison Keillor's "Lake Woebegone" series--which I'm sure will be playing on our radio while we work weekends]  My kids have named the house, "Apple Vale" since it's built on an old apple orchard.  I'm looking foward to fall already.  Might be the 90's temperatures with the oppressive humidity!?
   Make it a great weekend, and do share your quotes won't you?  Better yet, perhaps you might be inspired to send a little love to someone you know!


  1. Such a sweet card Deb. Love the pretty colors... nice collage of images. :o)

  2. I love the simplicity! and yes it looks sweet.


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