Time For Tea

Wherever You Are...

   I mentioned that I like to collect quotes, and this one is a favorite because we have a world of friends.  This is my last card for the season for our wonderful piano teacher, Eyran, who leaves soon for other parts of the world.  We'll miss him over the summer, but I'm sure he will be filling his days with adventures and concerts in many places!

   In another part of the world, I have a new stamping friend, Bianca, with whom I have traded some ATC's through the Hero Arts blog.  I asked if she would mind my posting her wonderful art, and she has graciously permitted me.  I so enjoy sharing with people all over, and I am constantly amazed by the locales of people who visit my photostream and blog.  It's also a great instant homeschool discussion about somewhere on the globe!  Bianca also made a beautiful card with incredible color and detail--what a lovely surprise!
   Thank you so much for your friendship Bianca, and for sharing your wonderful talent!  You've made my world!  Here's to friends near and far!
