Time For Tea

From Owl of Us

From Owl of Us by debstamps
From Owl of Us, a photo by debstamps on Flickr.
   You can never have too many googly eyes for a birthday card! Reprise of the Yoo Hoo owl chorus for son's friend's bday!  I also used my googly eyes for an unusual...although it made perfect sense to me...fix for my vacuum cleaner handle attachment.  You see, the little molded plastic bits that hold the hose to the attachments have been worn off over the years, and instead of plunking down $28.95 plus shipping for a new handle, I thought there MUST be something I can do to fix it.  Well...I knew instantly that my littlest googly eyes were about the right size and height, so I got some super glue and voila!  
   My craft supplies came to the rescue!  [I figure since I saved all that money I could rationalize putting it toward some new stamps?  What do you think?]  
   I know my supplies have come in handy for many uses besides enjoyment and entertainment over the years.  What fixes have you come up with using your crafting tools and various bits?  I'd love to hear about them!  Make it a great weekend!


  1. Haha, Deb that is just too funny! You really made me smile with that one! Love your fun card, too!

  2. Now your vacuum has personality!


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