Time For Tea

Owloween Trick

Owloween Wishes by debstamps
CAS-ual Fridays Challenge
   Catching up in time to play along with this week's clean and simple challenge to make a Halloween card without orange!  Turns out, I had this idea cooking for a color challenge a couple of weeks ago and couldn't get it done!  I love when things like that work out in the end!  I love the silhouette style, and thought this little Hero Arts owl would be lots of fun against a spooky lime green moon!  
   Speaking of moons, I made this one using glossy cardstock and sponging to make the color I wanted!  This is one of my favorite inking ideas to create custom colors, and my brayer is in my most-used tool drawer!  Do you have a favorite trick or tip you'd like to post?!  I'd love to hear it!


  1. Adorable, I love the embossing
    !Thanks for playing at CAS-ual Fridays!

  2. How fun is this?! Excellent texture and super great color scheme!! Thanks so much for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays!!


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