Time For Tea

Moxie Wishes!

   Thanks so much to Virginia for organizing a little fun for our Moxie friend Cath over at Moxie Fab World!  Here's hoping Cath will be striking any pose she wants after healing up her shoulder!


  1. LOVE this FAB card, Deb! The image and the background are DARLING! So glad that you are part of the blog hop for Cath! xoxo

  2. Ooh la la, fabulous! That image with the boa feathers is perfect!

  3. Beautiful - love what you created.

  4. Beautiful card. I'm sure this will cheer her up.

  5. Fabulous card, Deb! i LOVE that image!

  6. Hey Deb! I moxie *love* this card and its nod to my funny feather boa! You have definitely brought a smile to this ol' noggin of mine. Thanks for being such a dear friend. :)


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