Time For Tea


   Well, winter finally showed up here at Apple Vale!  We got happily snowed in for a couple of days: the kids got to use their new sleds; the dogs got to romp, leap, and chase after the kids; and hot chocolate was enjoyed by all!
   The whole family woke up at o'dark thirty [highly technical military term] to drive the Team #3590 FTC robot to the Connecticut State Tournament...where the kids proceeded--with a non fully-functional robot--to help the winning alliance in their victory!  This is them taking their champion walk along the line of judges and referees!  FIRST is a fabulous opportunity for kids to learn about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics!  It's a family affair for us!
   Finally, here's the first card I've made in a couple of weeks!  Not that I've been busy with anything else....  Hero Arts Blog is sponsoring a new challenge to use flowers, and I pulled out one of my favorite clear sets of theirs called, Mix and Match!  It's so versatile!  I used the little wood block to make a vase, stamped flowers in mixed pinks, and stamped the sentiment in one of the three frames as a thank you to the FTC team programmer's family for hosting the team's driving practice later today!  
   This would make a great idea for a set--you could stamp different message cards to insert in the bouquet--would make a nice adaptable gift for someone, like the one I made here!
   The Massachusetts FTC Tournament is this Saturday...wish us luck!


  1. Hi! I've choosen you for the Liebster Blog award. Check out my blog for all the details!! :)


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