Time For Tea

Hero Arts Rocks!

   I have been anxiously awaiting the release of the new Hero Arts/Basic Grey stamps and I received them last night!  Can't wait to play today...so many ideas for these fantastic images!  It has inspired me to come up with a fun way to showcase people putting their own "Stamp on Life!' too.  Stay tuned for more information coming soon to the blog!
  I want to thank the Hero Arts folks for running an outstanding business and giving so much back to their customers in the way of inspiration, great products, fostering artistic fellowship, and the many ways they recognize their participating customers!  It just goes to show you that a good idea for business run well creates much success!  Thank you for this give-away stash based on my catalog comment to the blog!  I'm really looking forward to showcasing it! Hero Arts and their partnering companies ROCK!  [it's really hard to type when you are "happy dancing!"]  I'm off to stamp now....


  1. You've got some goodies there, Deb! Can't wait to see what you do with them!

  2. Mmm...look at all those yummy stamps. Have fun playing!

  3. Yes, get to work, so we can se what you come up with! LOL! Have fun!

  4. Wow look at all those GOODIES! Can't wait to see what you create with them!!! :) Thanks for the congrats on my Hero Arts win!

  5. Yummie yummie yummie, what a delicious set of stamps. Love to the results of your play sessions with them! Congrats Deb!


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