Time For Tea

Set for Summah!

   Hummin' Beach Boys tunes, stamping some fun "cahds" and getting ready to head out to the backyard pool to enjoy this first, real-life-heat-wave, day of "summah!"  This is for my friend Miss Patty Patty over in Maine--whom I'm wicked excited to visit!
   I am quite proud of myself finding an easier way to stamp maritime signal flags--which spell out F...U...N above!  I first had the idea to papercraft them when making something special for my sister's consulting firm, Bravo Zulu, which--in military terms--means "Well Done."  She works very hard to maintain a stellar reputation.
   For Christmas, I wanted to give her something unique, and so I had to make it myself:
   I cut these rather meticulously out of cardstock and adhered them on a square to piece them together...translation:  quilter's appreciation day!  The card bases are smooth white, and the layer under the flags is textured paper--very nautical feel! But, I decided I'd needed to find a faster/easier way to produce the same product so I could keep her in stationery!  Enter my extra rubber from Hero Arts cling stamps, and some small shadow stamps to create the flags in the first card above!  Voila!  I like the result even if it's a bit more casual.  And, I can also use my tangram stencil [thanks to a little Pinterest inspiration from my summer morning indoor 'surfin'] to draw/cut out cardstock for another set!  
   Speaking of "sets" I think I'll be doing sets for Summah!  Got the idea from a recent discussion thread over on the Hero Arts Flickr group asking about whether people make sets or individual occasion cards.  I find myself making sets most often, unless I'm entering a challenge like the one HERE over at Hero Arts Blog!  [can you tell I like Hero?!]
   So, for a whole bunch of ideas, stop by with your cool drink and take a little sip of inspiration sometime!  Feel free to share your bright ideas too!  I'm always interested in how you put your own stamp on life!  The pool beckons....oh, but before I leave, here's a link to learn about flags:  Maritime flags


  1. TambiƩn me ha encantado conocerle. Gracias por la visita ; )

  2. These are so clever! Love how you have the flags on the chevron bg!


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