Time For Tea


   I promised to show and tell how to make a noteworthy notable in my last post, and without further delay here goes! As you can see in the photo above, one can take an 8 1/2 x 11 inch piece of card stock and a jr. legal pad and make a dandy little homemade notebook. This is what you would see after you opened it up, and here is the back of this view:
   Note [hee hee] that we will be using the back of the paper pad to actually be the back of our little notebook. Also note that there is a double line of scoring the thickness of this pad and that the front cover is the same width as the pad. [you can use the pad to make your own template as I did:]
   Once you make a template, you can put it on top of any card stock you will be using to make these really quickly and easily. To make the template, first trim off 1/8 inch off one of the shorter sides. I took it from the left side here. Next, I measured from the right side 3/4 inch to make the first of the double scoring lines to form the spine of the notebook. Score another one 1/4 inch to the left of that and your spine is ready. [later, you will be attaching a strong adhesive tape to the 3/4 inch wide panel you just created on the right side edge.] Now, to finish the template you can place your jr. legal pad next to the second scored line and mark the left side which you will score; and the bottom strip you will cut away all the way to the right edge. The tab you see at the bottom of the curved pocket flap will be adhered to the largest, middle panel above and you will basically have a pocket with the 3/4 inch flap to adhere to the left edge of the jr. legal pad. Before you fold and stick the pocket it's usually a good idea to do the stamping on the other side--actually the front/what's visible before bending the scored bits:
   Oh, and you'll also notice I almost forgot to mention cutting down the pocket top to be able to tuck things in easier. From this view we can see the pocket tab along the bottom right to which we will add adhesive and fold under as we fold the whole pocket panel back toward the pad:
   and now we flip it over and we're back to the finished product again:
   Hopefully the description makes sense. As I was trying to describe it I realized a couple more pictures might be helpful and I'll take those tomorrow and post a follow up in case it is helpful to some! 
   I would very much like to see how you put your own stamp on this project and if you'd like to leave a link in the comments I'll be happy to visit!
