Time For Tea

Autumn Grace

   Autumn is my favorite season. Around every bend in my travels I think I can't see some color more intense or more splendid than the last...and then I can. The patterns change by the minute it seems, and when the sun shines through God's kaleidoscope I am part of unimaginable grace, beauty, and love. May you know these today wherever you are--in whatever season you live.


  1. Love that background as a beautiful backdrop for your amazing leaves.

    Glad you entered the Die Cut Divas' challenge for October - http://die-cut-divas.blogspot.co.nz/2013/10/animals-and-autumn-october-challenge.html

  2. love the texture you have achieved on your leaves. Great card. thanks for joining us at Die Cut Divas

  3. This is Just Beautiful! thanks again for joining us on the Die Cut Diva's

  4. Gorgeous! Absolutely stunning!!!


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