Time For Tea


   Oh my. I can hardly believe so much time has elapsed since I last posted. My apologies if you were waiting with bated breath, but somehow I don't think that's likely been the case. I have been busy with life, and letting go, and making way for big changes to come. I've been making some new friends, putting myself out into the work force again, reading and reflecting on the current state of the world. 
   You can see just this morning I've made a quote that strikes home with me. Teddy is famous for starting the National Parks--it's a big year for them and they've been an important part of my life. How about you? In March I got to stand under the newly refurbished archway that is the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park--the one that started them all. I visited Mammoth Hot Springs to sit under a cloudless blue sky breathing warm sulfur clouds which hover over the burbling waters. I went to the headwaters of the Madison River--site of John Colter's famous run. I had forgotten how quiet out West can be. I was home again.
   I am reconnected and working on rejuvenation. Be well friends.
