Time For Tea

Making the Best of Scraps, Time, and COVID-19

   Hello out there wherever you are! I've been busy creating and processing all the information bombarding all of us in these unusual times. I'm counting my blessings and have such gratitude for the people who are running this response for our government. 

   I believe this will make us better prepared for the future. I am seeing the bright side of the media finally focusing on how we have not been equipped to handle something of this magnitude. I know many who've been beating this drum for years and no one got around to modernizing our government response.

   I am also hopeful that this will bring Americans together in a way we've not been since 9/11 or the Space Race. We citizens can always be counted on in a crisis and I am heartened to see so many small and large acts of kindness and civic responsibility exercised. 

   We will get through this. We will be stronger and more prepared for the next national emergency. We can use this as a catalyst to remember we have so much more in common than we might think. We can continue the spirit of goodwill and patriotism and sacrifice into the future.

   Be well friends. Create something and pass it along. Write your friends and family--a safe and tangible way to be in touch you just might enjoy continuing after all of this has been surmounted. 

And if you don't already have art supplies, please shop with me and have them delivered to your door! 

