What To Do During Coranovirus Stay at Home...

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   Stamping/creating something is a perfect way to pass the time when one is staying home to 'flatten the curve' as we all are during this unusual cultural circumstance.
   We crave purpose and are goal-oriented as a species. We are happiest when we are driven to accomplish something and it's difficult...to....just....be....'stuck.' To create something is to take us out of ourselves for a while. It gives us a fresh perspective when we go back to the regular work/schedule. My hope is that you're out there using this time to refresh and renew with the coming of the season.
   What are you putting your stamp on right now? Be well and be positive friends! We'll get through this together. In the meantime, I invite you to browse some of my other posts and get to know me. Leave a comment-I love hearing from you all.
