Time For Tea

Valentine's Day Fun!

   How's life Friends?

   Wishing you a day of love wherever you are and whatever you do. My kids and I have always enjoyed making valentines for one another over the years. We haven't always been together on Valentine's Day especially when their dad was deployed. In fact we are kind of used to celebrating whenever we can whether it's on an actual holiday or not. Such is the life of a military family. These days we can just reminisce and mostly celebrate on the day--which actually feels kind of strange if I'm honest;)
   Here's an idea for an easy project. During one of our many moves the glass on this frame broke and I have not yet replaced it. It's been groaning for attention and I finally decided to completely repurpose it. Make do and all...
   I found a metal clip, and hot glued a small extra powerful magnet on the top of the frame:

   I made a nice little bow and stuck it with a glue dot on the clip...plan on replacing it seasonally along with the background paper. I'll be making some new quotes and decorating them and I'm gifting it to my daughter who's hosting family dinner for Valentine's Day:) 
   It's easy to put up a new card, and I have so many fun ideas for the future. 
   Hope you're celebrating something every day. Life is so full. Wishing you all more blessings than you can count!

   Be well Friends!


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