Time For Tea

Easy All Occassion/For Everyone Card!


   How's Life Friends?
   I like to have a few cards on hand each season that I can use for any gender and any occasion. How about you?

   Here's  a fast, easy design that's flat to mail and you can use it to say absolutely anything you want! A friendly word of encouragement...a happy birthday...an expression of condolence...to celebrate happy news. 

   I often send cards like these just to brighten someone's day by sending a quote, a comic I snipped from my Far Side desk calendar, or to send a photo for a friend's fridge!

   While we haven't quite succeeded fully, I am hoping to bring back snail mail with a hold-in-your-hands vengeance! Will you help me in your own circles?!? Send a random card today--everyone loves to get happy mail!
   Be Well Friends!

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