Magical Time of the Year!

    How's Life Friends?

   Just popping in to share this fun little holiday card! It is currently -15 F outside now and the real cold is coming in tonight. We're praying for our ranchers and farmers battling the elements to keep their livestock safe while we stay cozy inside with the fireplace.

   Today is one of the many times I find myself thinking about the pioneers who settled America braving the wild land and all the treacherous unknowns of the geography and climate. I still remember reading the Little House books about Pa and Ma tying ropes to themselves so they could get back from the barn and feeding the cow and horses in the blizzards of the Great Plains. We take so much for granted these days.

   I hope you have good shelter, loved ones to share it with, and the peace and joy of the holiday season to brighten your days and nights.

   Be Well Friends!

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