Time For Tea

Stamping Life is Better with You!

    How's Life Friends?

   I've taken a bit of a hiatus from the studio and getting back into the swing of things I wanted to use some of these bits I fussy cut from the Zoo Crew DSP!

   Oftentimes I will get the coordinating Designer Series Papers even if I don't get the stamp sets that go with them. Such was the case with the Zoo Crew, and I had lots of fun [yes, we all have our own unique definitions of 'fun'] cutting out the little characters and creating scenes with them:)

   Camping is a big thing here in the Rockies and this little summer vignette makes for a fun all occasion/just because card I used to pay my camper storage bill. 

   Part of why I love stamping so much is that I get double reward when sit down to create: first, the joy of creating/satisfying what I feel is a basic need we have to make things; second, is the sharing with someone else!

   Hope you are putting your own stamp on life wherever you're reading this today!

   Be Well Friends!

   p.s. Check out our terrific sale on Kits this month! 
