Time For Tea

Zoo Crew for Holiday Waiting Fun

   How's Life Friends?
   I'm working in the studio today on some cards for my sister. She does this really fun thing for the kids next door during the holiday season. She puts out a mailbox with activities to occupy them during the countdown to Christmas. 
   This year she wants to encourage them to write RAKs to significant adults in their lives. When she told me about it, I piped right up to ask if she'd like me to make a bunch of cards. She was delighted and I share the first series with you today:)

   Perhaps you're inspired to do something similar? Drop me a comment with ideas you might have! 

      Remember that this Zoo Crew paper is on sale for 20% while supplies last today and tomorrow!

   I've seen so many cute cards with this paper, and I am making a few sets to have as "presentos" and hostess gifts for the holiday season!

   Be Well Friends!

